Wednesday, 30 March 2011


The following is a transcript of a Gchat conversation between myself and my friend Steve Gilpin in Chicago. It began with a discussion of the sad state of the new Wonder Woman costume, which inexorably led to a discussion of Vera Farmiga, which led to the below. (Key: fap = the onomatopoeic representation of masturbation)

Steve: Why We Fap: The Vera Farmiga Story

me: hahahaha
shit that's good

Steve: If These Walls Could Fap

me: "the epistemology of faptronics, with prof gilpin"

Steve: hahahah
And The Band Fapped On
kinda inappropriate

me: fapablanca

Steve: YES
drawing a blank now
Fap In The Air
Fapper Punch

me: fappyshack

Steve: awesome

me: fapimal house

Steve: i love Caddyshack so much
that movie makes me laugh
like a crazy person

me: the fapfather
the fapfather part ii

Steve: oooooh

me: the faporcist
the fap connection
(the fap connection part ii)

Steve: wow

me: fap wars

Steve: you are on a roll, my friend

me: fapper vs. fapper

Steve: fap fap fap fap fap[ fapfapfap

me: fapping bull

Steve: Fapocop

me: fap york fap york
fap driver

Steve: Fappie Hall

me: love and fap

Steve: ?

me: love and death fool

Steve: word

me: smatter with you

Steve: i figured it out
just took me a sec

me: the fapersation

Steve: you judgmental prick
Afapalypse Now

me: faperbolt and lightfoot

Steve: hahahaha

me: or thunderbolt and lightfap

Steve: both work quite well

me: fapping tall
two lane faptop

Steve: Fapping Scared
Fap of Grace

me: maximum imfapped

Steve: Garden Fap

me: fappo and cash

Steve: oooh
good one

me: bloodfap

Steve: Fapplejuice

me: kinky, but hey

Steve: Batfap

me: fapplejuice hahahahahahahahaha

Steve: hahaha

me: batfap returns
batfap begins
batfap forever
batfap and robin

Steve: yep
you get the idea

me: and . . . the fap knight

Steve: The Faposition
or The Dark Fap

me: fapdecent proposal
the fapover
inglourious fapterds
how did we not have good will fapping?

Steve: too obvious?
this is pretty amazing

me: indiana jones and the fap crusade

Steve: Fappers Of The Lost Ark

me: indiana jones and the temple of fap

Steve: hahah

me: dr fap, fapfinger, fapperball

Steve: Close Encounters of the Fap Kind

me: faps

Steve: hahaha
Gregory Hines would be proud
Never Say Fap Again

me: fuckface the gregory hines movie was fap

Steve: GoldenFap

me: faps was with the psycho young tom cruise

Steve: sorry
right right
my bad
this is fun
too much fun
Top Fap
or Fap Gun
The Fappinator
Fap Velvet

me: lost fapway

Steve: ha

me: wild at fap
fapholland drive

Steve: i was just gonna do wild at fap!!!!

me: ok this'll close it out:
twin peaks: fire fap with me

Hey, what do you want, it's a slow afternoon.

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